Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

The brief description of CMM is shown below:-

(1) The CMM for software is a framework that was developed by the software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University by observing the best practices in software and other organizations.

(2) The CMM is one of the most popular frameworks for software process improvement.

(3) One objective of the CMM is to distinguish mature processes from immature ones.

(4) Immature Software Processes imply that projects are executed without many guidelines and the outcome of a project depends largely on the capability of the team and the project leader.

(5) In Mature processes, a project is executed by following defined processes.

(6) Maturity of a process is directly proportional to more predictable results and more controlled projects.

(7) Process Capability is the range of results that can be expected from a project when it is executed using that process.

(8) Process Performance is the actual result achieved in a project which is executed using that process.

(9) To consistently improve process performance on projects, we must enhance the process capability.

(10) CMM has five maturity levels:

Level 1:
  The Initial level
  The project is executed in a manner that the team and project manager find it ok.

Level 2:
 The Repeatable level
 When standard project management practices are employed only for the projects and           not for the organizational structure .

Level 3:
 The Defined level
 Organization wide processes have been defined and are regularly followed.

Level 4:
 The Managed level
 Quantitative understanding of the process capability makes it possible to quantitatively predict and control the process performance on a project.

Level 5:
 The optimizing level
 The process capability is improved in a controlled manner and the improvement is evaluated quantitatively.

(11) Each maturity level (except 1) is characterized by key process areas (KPAS) which specify the areas on which the organization should focus to elevate its processes to achieve that maturity level.

Structure of the SEI CMM: Below figure shows the level of Maturity, indicates the process capability of an organization. This process capability is used as an indicator of an organizations ability to produce expected results.

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